Industry news

Plasma cutting machine operating instructions

1. CNC plasma cutting machine operators must be trained to understand the working principle of the cutting machine and the correct operation method.

 2. Handle the plasma cutting machine with care when transporting it, and take fixing measures when transporting the vehicle to prevent damage to the machine during transportation.

 3. A dedicated person or electrician must be responsible for connecting or removing the power cord of the plasma cutting machine.

 4. Before working, check whether each joint is tight. For liquid-cooled cutting machines, check whether the liquid is on the normal level.

 5. Wear protective equipment when working to prevent arc injury.

 6. When working in the installation area, the cutting machine handle should be kept away from sparks and high-temperature pipes.

 7. When the work pauses for a long time, the power supply should be cut off first to prevent the CNC plasma cutting machine from idling for a long time.

 8. When working on rainy days or in places with water, cover it with a tarpaulin to prevent the cutting machine from getting damp.

 9. No debris should be placed on the CNC plasma cutting machine.

 10.After the work is completed, the wire should be coiled and hung up, and it is not allowed to be squeezed or stepped on.


Contact: Stephen Zhang

Phone: +86-13296443055

Tel: +86-0531-88273128


Add: No.6 HeHua road Licheng District Jinan City, China

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