Industry news

CNC plasma cutting machine application industries and scope

Due to the unique characteristics of plasma cutting such as high speed, high efficiency, high kerf smoothness, and wide applicable cutting range, CNC plasma cutting has been widely used in various industries such as machinery, shipbuilding, steel structures, automobiles, and pressure vessels, and is gradually replacing flame cutting in various industries. dominance in certain areas. As a high-precision mechanical instrument, the CNC plasma cutting machine has high precision requirements for cutting products. There are many precautions for the operation of the plasma cutting machine, which require the operator's attention.

1 Principles of plasma cutting technology

Plasma cutting is a processing method that uses the heat of a high-temperature plasma arc to locally melt (and evaporate) the metal at the cut of the workpiece and uses the momentum of the high-speed plasma to remove the molten metal to form the cut.

2 Comparison between plasma cutting and flame gas cutting

Plasma cutting is only effective on metals that act as conductors—mild steel, aluminum, and stainless steel are typical examples. When cutting mild steel, operators will experience faster, deeper cuts.

Flame gas cutting cuts metal by burning high temperatures, or by oxidizing it. Therefore, its application scope is limited to ferrous metals such as steel that can be treated by oxidation technology. Metals such as aluminum and stainless steel will form oxides that restrict further oxidation. This makes conventional flame gas cutting impossible to handle this type of material. Plasma cutting is not resistant to oxidation, so it can effectively cut aluminum, steel, and other conductive metals.

And different types of gases can be used in plasma cutting. Currently, most people use compressed air for plasma cutting. Air compressors are available in most rural areas. Therefore, plasma cutting does not require gases such as flammable gases and compressed oxygen as operating gases.

Plasma cutting is more expensive than flame gas cutting when cutting thick plates. Flame gas cutting does not require connection to power and compressed air, which is easier to use for some users. Flame gas cutting is faster than plasma cutting when cutting thicker sections of steel. However, the cutting speed of CNC plasma cutting machine is much faster than flame cutting when cutting medium and thin plates, and it is more efficient and has better results!

3 Plasma cutting processing range

Plasma cutting is ideal for cutting steel and non-ferrous metals less than 1 inch thick. Flame gas cutting requires the operator to carefully control the cutting speed to maintain oxidation. Plasma cutting is more flexible in this regard. Plasma cutting is very inferior in some aspects, such as cutting metal sheets, which is impossible to achieve when using flame gas cutting. In addition, compared with mechanical cutting methods, plasma cutting is much faster and easier to perform. Non-linear cutting. Cutting aluminum, copper, stainless steel and other metal materials is the strength of CNC plasma cutting machine!


Contact: Stephen Zhang

Phone: +86-13296443055

Tel: +86-0531-88273128


Add: No.6 HeHua road Licheng District Jinan City, China

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