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CNC plasma cutting machine maintenance methods

1. Ensure that the plasma pressure and flow rate are correct

Correct plasma pressure and flow are very important for the service life of consumable parts. If the air pressure is too high, the life of the electrode will be greatly reduced; if the air pressure is too low, the life of the nozzle will be affected. Refer to your CNC plasma cutter's instruction manual when setting up.

2. Use a reasonable cutting distance

The cutting distance is the distance between the cutting nozzle and the workpiece surface. This distance should be kept as constant as possible, generally around 3-8MM. If it is too far, it will not only consume too much power, but also reduce the cutting and penetration ability, and it will also consume the electrode relatively, making the electrode useless. The service life is reduced; if it is too close, it is relatively simple and consumes a lot of money on the nozzle. The service life of the nozzle will be doubled, and it may even burn out as soon as it is installed; when perforating, try to use 2 times the normal cutting distance or use a plasma arc. Maximum height that can be transferred.

3. Keep the plasma gas dry and clean

Plasma systems require dry, clean plasma gas to operate properly. Dirty gas is usually a problem with the gas compression system, which will shorten the service life of wearing parts and cause abnormal damage. The way to test the gas quality is to put the cutting torch in the test state, place a mirror underneath it, and consume the gas in the cutting torch. If water vapor or fog appears on the mirror, you need to find out the cause.

4. Do not overload the nozzle

Overloading the nozzle (i.e. exceeding the nozzle's operating current) will quickly damage the nozzle. The current intensity should be 95% of the nozzle operating current. For example: The amperage of a 100A nozzle should be set to 95A.

5. Keep the plasma gas dry and clean

Plasma systems require dry, clean plasma gas to operate properly. Dirty gas is usually a problem with the gas compression system, which will shorten the service life of wearing parts and cause abnormal damage. The way to test the gas quality is to put the cutting torch in the test state, place a mirror underneath it, and consume the gas in the cutting torch. If water vapor or fog appears on the mirror, you need to find out the cause.

5. The perforation thickness and cutting thickness should be within the range allowed by the machine system

CNC plasma cutters cannot penetrate steel plate that exceeds the working thickness. The usual perforation thickness is 1/2 of the normal cutting thickness. Try to cut within the rated normal cutting thickness range of the CNC plasma cutting machine, and try not to cut at the extreme cutting thickness. The normal cutting thickness of domestic cutting machines is generally 60% of the maximum cutting thickness marked in production. Try cutting within this thickness range. Can best protect the cutting edge.


Contact: Stephen Zhang

Phone: +86-13296443055

Tel: +86-0531-88273128


Add: No.6 HeHua road Licheng District Jinan City, China

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