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How to choose the cutting current of CNC plasma cutting machine?

When correctly using a CNC plasma cutting machine for high-quality and fast cutting, you must have a deep understanding and mastery of the cutting process parameters. Only in this case can the plasma cutting machine exert its maximum effect, and the workpieces it cuts will also To achieve good results, the editor below will explain to you the cutting current adjustment parameters of the plasma power supply used by the CNC plasma cutting machine when cutting the workpiece.

When cutting workpieces with a CNC plasma cutting machine, the issue of cutting current regulation of the mechanical plasma power supply is crucial. It is an important cutting process parameter, which directly determines the thickness and speed of cutting, that is, the cutting capacity. Regarding the impact, it is directly reflected in the following points: the selection form of the cutting current of the CNC plasma cutting machine:

1. As the cutting current of the CNC plasma cutting machine increases, the plasma arc energy increases, the cutting capacity increases, and the cutting speed increases accordingly;

2. The cutting current of the CNC plasma cutting machine increases, the diameter of the plasma arc increases, and the arc becomes thicker, making the incision wider;

3. The cutting current of the CNC plasma cutting machine is too large, which increases the thermal load of the nozzle. The nozzle is damaged prematurely, and the cutting quality naturally decreases, and even normal cutting cannot be performed. Therefore, before cutting, the cutting current and corresponding nozzle must be correctly selected according to the thickness of the material.


Contact: Stephen Zhang

Phone: +86-13296443055

Tel: +86-0531-88273128


Add: No.6 HeHua road Licheng District Jinan City, China

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